Toronto Area Imams Condemn ‘Honour Killings’ following verdict

February 3, 2012   Amid the often disturbing anti-Muslim sentiment generated by the Shafia murder trial and its guilty verdicts, dozens of imams (religious leaders) will gather at a mosque in Mississauga Ontario to issue a fatwa, spelling out that so-called honour killings and violence toward women have nothing to do with the real teachings

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University of Toronto professor testifies on “honor killing” at Shafia trial

The Globe and Mail – December 6, 2011 According to Shahrzad Mojab, an Iranian-born University of Toronto professor of women’s studies who has lectured and written on the topic for many years, so-called “honour killings” are rooted in an ancient patriarchal need to control women’s sexuality, and sometimes immigrants from regions that embrace such a

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Canadian Muslim leaders speak out against violence towards women

News Agencies – December 5, 2011 A broad coalition of Muslim leaders, some of them shaken by allegations emanating from the Shafia family murder trial, have seized on the Dec. 6 anniversary of the killings at Montreal’s École Polytechnique to speak out about violence against women. Nearly 60 Muslim associations have issued a statement condemning

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Father accused of honour killings called eldest daughter a ‘whore’

News Agencies – November 14, 2011 In the days leading up to the July 2009 arrest of an Afghan-Canadian businessman and his wife and son, all accused of jointly murdering four family members, the man’s conscience was clear because the victims had violated every decent principle, he said in wiretapped conversations. Mr. Shafia, 58, his

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“Honour Killing” trial begins in Kingston, Ontario

News Agencies – October 21, 2011   A car found at the bottom of an eastern Ontario canal with the bodies of three sisters and their father’s first wife suspended in the water inside seemed to trace a very deliberate path, a murder trial heard. In a case that has raised the issue of so-called

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