Liberal Muslims Present a New Approach to Integration

27 October 2010 The Liberal Muslim Initiative of Austria (ILMÖ) has proposed to demand imams and Islamic preachers in the future to sign a declaration in which they agree to respect the principles of European values, democracy, human rights, freedom of opinion, equality of the sexes, respect of other beliefs and the freedom to change

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Elections for the IGGiÖ: Female Candidates Wanted

The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGiÖ) will hold elections in the various federal states of the country from November to April 2011, and has expressed a desire to have a higher number of female candidates as well as a high turn-out by female Muslim voters in general. Current president Anas Schakfeh has stated that

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Website links Martyrdom and Massacres

The Austrian Liberal Muslim Initiative (ILMÖ) has declared the Islamic website “dangerous,” resulting from the website’s definition of “jihad” as a type of martyrdom in Islam which is not only found on the battlefield, but also through the massacre of civilians. The Federal office for the protection of the constitution and combating terrorism admits

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