French Immigrants Eye Parliament

    By Hadi Yahmid PARIS – French of immigrant background are running in large numbers in the country’s cut-throat legislative race, hoping to be represented in the 577-member legislature to have their voices heard. “Candidates of immigrant background are highly tipped as possible lawmakers in an unprecedented way in French history,” candidate Malika Ahmed told…

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      Woman fined after racist outburst

      A 41 year-old woman from Dronten was fined yesterday for directing racist comments at a playing child a year ago. Essentially, the woman lectured about worthless and rotten immigrant Turks and with offensive language suggested they return to Turkey. She was fined 600 euros for her discriminating language and another 75 euros for damage done…

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        Le Pen is back, with a fighting chance

        HEADLINE: Le Pen is back, with a fighting chance; As in 2002, the brawler on the far right is a force in France’s presidential race. Some say he could muster another surprise. BYLINE: Sebastian Rotella, Times Staff Writer DATELINE: NICE, FRANCE BODY: This pleasant, slightly faded city of palm trees and sea breezes has been…

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          Polygamy, Practiced in Secrecy, Follows Africans to New York

          Thousands of New York’s African immigrants are thought to be practicing polygamy as they did in their native countries, where it is legal; practice is clandestine because polygamy is grounds for exclusion from US under immigration law; no agency is known to collect data on polygamous unions, and many agencies that deal with immigrant families…

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            Between Black and Immigrant Muslims, an Uneasy Alliance

            Only 28 miles separate Imam Talib’s mosque in Harlem from the Islamic Center of Long Island. The congregations they each serve – African-Americans at the city mosque and immigrants of South Asian and Arab descent in the suburbs – represent the largest Muslim populations in the United States. Yet a vast gulf divides them, one…

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