Watchdog For Uk Mosques Launches

A potentially influential body aimed at tackling extremism is being launched a year after the London bombings. LONDON – The mosques standards body was a key proposal from a government-backed extremism taskforce. In a unique move, leaders of four major British Muslim groups have agreed the body is essential to modernise and open up religious

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Background: How Are We Educating Our Young?

Due to the lack of adequate channels of Islamic education, from mosque-centered activities to websites run by mainstream, non-fundamentalist Muslims, second- and third-generation Muslim youth in Germany are increasingly losing touch with their origins. Small local initiatives set up to fill this gap are gradually cohering into wider, national institutions like the Lifemakers. In a

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France: The Political Existence Of The Moroccan Diaspora

In the midst of a profound transformation of the French party system, the main political parties are looking for strategies to appeal to Muslim immigrants, from grassroot mobilisation to the pro-Muslim branding of their candidates. The Moroccan Muslim community is using this opportunity to ask for new representative institutions that would enable them to match

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Una Asociación Denuncia La Entrada En España De Supuestos Imanes Que Perjudican Al Colectivo Musulmán

The president of the Association of Friends of the Moroccan Town, Mohamed Alami, has published an open letter directed to the Spanish Government, the political parties and the different institutions and organizations in which he denounces the entrance in Spain of questionable imams that are harming the Muslims in Spain. El presidente de la Asociaci_n

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