No ideological motives: Muslim jailed for stabbing Jewish cleric

A German-Afghan homeless Sajed Aziz, 23 was convicted and sentenced to three and a half years in prison for stabbing a rabbi in the stomach last year. Aziz was convicted in Frankfurt state court of serious bodily injury in connection with the September attack on Orthodox Jewish rabbi Zalman Gurevitch during an altercation on a

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Author’s ‘Satanic’ play debuts: No problems over contentious story

A German theater has brought Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses to the stage, with no sign of trouble after authorities promised thorough security precautions. The Hans-Otto Theater in Potsdam says its version, which has 12 actors and ran for nearly four hours, is the first theatrical presentation of the novel. Iran’s late spiritual leader, Ayatollah

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Protests continue in Afghanistan over Dutch film and Danish cartoons; demand troop withdrawal

Thousands of Afghanis demonstrated last weekend in Western Afghanistan, shouting slogans against Denmark and the Netherlands for alleged insults against Islam, concerning the re-printing of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, and the upcoming release of an anti-Quran film by a Dutch lawmaker. An estimated 10,000 people took part in the protest, where

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Scholars call for international law to against religious insults

The re-publication of the Prophet cartoons by seventeen Danish newspapers last week was denounced by Muslims the world over. The controversy is not one of press freedom, but rather it feeds cycles of hatred and ignorance which only increase the gulfs between religions, according to the Prime Minister, Dr. Ali Mohammed Mujawr, in a support

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