Europe Needs to Embrace Islam by Jocelyne Cesari

August 29, 2014 Counter to the common interpretation, the appeal of radical anti-Western groups like ISIS among European Muslims is not driven primarily by socioeconomic deprivation. In fact, three interrelated factors play a more significant role. The first is the powerful presence of the Salafi version of Islam in the religious market of ideas. This…

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Former German Federal President promotes dialogue

July 11, 2014 Christian Wulff, former Federal President, encouraged people to enter into a dialogue with each other and particularly with Islam. He emphasized on the central role of world religions in promoting world peace. Rather than stressing differences he suggested to focus on the commonalities and, as a positive example, quoted the national soccer…

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Breaking the Ramadan fast in the company of Jews

July 10, 2014 (RNS) Muslim tradition calls for breaking the Ramadan fast in the evening with a date and a sip of water, and increasingly these days, the company of Jews. Muslim-Jewish iftars are popping up across the nation, bringing together dozens and sometimes hundreds of people for a celebratory Ramadan meal and a chance to forge interfaith…

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On Ramadan in Turkey

July 10, 2014 The Standard, one of the Austrians leading daily newspapers, is reporting on the Ramadan tradition. How and why Turkish Muslims or Muslims in general are fasting for the duration of 30 days. The story also focuses on a drummer in Istanbul, who is responsible to wake up the Muslims for “suhur” (the pre-dawn…

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Ramadan in Austrian media

June 28, 2014 Because the fasting month of  Ramadan starts today, the ORF tried the enlighten some of its readers, who are not familiar with the Muslim religious tradition. The story tries to show the different ways that Muslims handle the month of Ramadan. For example, the report tells the reader, that because of exceptional rules soccer…

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