Jews and Muslims gather in Amsterdam to reflect on Paris attacks

Last Tuesday about a hundred people joined to reflect on the attacks in Paris. Lody van de Kamp, member of the initiative Salaam-Shalom arranged the meeting. Mayor Eberhard van der Laan held a speech, during which people all held up the peace-sign with their fingers. The Mayor said: “We fight too, but with words. And

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Guantánamo Bay: why can’t Shaker Aamer return home to London?

Shaker Aamer was sent to Guantánamo Bay in 2002, and cleared to leave in 2007. Now, weakened by hunger strike, he asks what his fate has to do with justice. The allegations which Aamer denies and which no one has ever been able to prove, has led to Aamer spending years in detention, a stretch

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Germany’s 5th Integration Summit

31.01. & 01./02.02.2012 Last Tuesday, Chancellor Merkel hosted the fifth German integration summit, bringing together politicians and representatives of different immigrant groups and organizations. When Merkel initiated the first integration summit in 2006, she made the integration of Germany’s migrant population a top political priority. At this first summit, the participants agreed on developing a

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New Mosque in Meßkirch

07./ 08.12.2011 Last Tuesday, the local council in Meßkirch (Baden Württemberg) agreed to the plans of a local Turkish-Muslim association to build a mosque in their town. Many Muslims attended the council meeting, during which some local politicians expressed their sympathy for the associations’ desire to build an appropriate place for worship.

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