Muslim Divorces Without Shariah Can Get Tricky

New Jersey lawyer Abed Awad has been involved with more than 100 cases that involved some component of Shariah, or Islamic law, and knows firsthand how complicated things can get. In one of those cases, a woman claimed she was married to a man according to Islamic law in her native West Africa. The man

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Muslims look for mates in D.C. at annual speed-dating event

The swelling crowd, ranging in age from 21 to 50-something, meant the evening of speed dating and socializing known as the Matrimonial Banquet was about to begin.  Kadir, 35, was sitting on a bench outside a ballroom at the Renaissance Washington hotel, surrounded by several hundred single Muslim men and women. The banquet has been

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Muslims side with Christians against legalization of same-sex marriage

29 May 2012     Muslim groups have collected around a half million signatures to pressure the government against legalizing same sex marriage in Britain. The government is planning to legalize same-sex marriages by 2015.   Catholic religious leaders have already warned the government that the legislation would undermine the nature of marriage.

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Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt To Reform American Islam

At first, the devout Muslims who gathered in a Washington, D.C., conference center seemed like they could have come from any mosque. There were women in headscarves and bearded men who quoted the Quran. But something was different. While mingling over hors d’oeuvres, they discussed how to change Islam’s future. A woman spoke about fighting

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Study on Forced Marriages: Alarming Results

09.11.2011 On Wednesday, the German Ministry for Family Affairs presented the findings of its first study on forced marriage in Germany – which brought about alarming results. The study was commissioned by the Ministry and conducted by the women’s rights organisation Terres des Femmes and the Hamburg-based Lawaetz Foundation. It is based on information provided

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