Bill in Minnesota Legislature prompts dispute over Muslim women’s headscarves

A bill before the Minnesota legislature requiring that the full head and face of licensed drivers be shown in their photos and all state ID carts is drawing criticism for making exception for those who needed to wear headwear in connection with medical treatments or deformities, but makes no exception for religious reasons. State Representative

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On ballots this November: More Muslim American women

While many things have changed for Muslim Americans since the September 11th terrorist attacks, one remarkable and positive change is currently unfolding – more Muslims, particularly Muslim women, are running for political office. Agha Saeed, founder of the American Muslim Alliance, has tracked Muslim candidates for over a decade. Before September 11th, less than 5

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Minnesota directs Tarik ibn Zayad Academy to remedy concerns about prayer sessions, busing

A Saint Paul, Minnesota charter school catering to Muslims complies with federal and state laws, the state Education Department said, but it suggested changes be made in religious areas. The state recommended the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy change its bussing schedule and handling of Friday prayer services, saying that shorter prayer services on most days

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Second Muslim elected to congress

On Tuesday, Indiana voters elected Andre Carson to Congress, making Carson the second Muslim elected to Congress in U.S. history. Andre Carson is the grandson of the late Democratic Representative Julia Carson, and was elected to serve the balance of her term in the House of Representatives; Julia died in December 2007, after serving 11

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Minnesota’s Muslim cab drivers face crackdown

The Metropolitan Airports Commission voted unanimously to impose the new penalties beginning in May on Muslim cab drivers who refuse to give rides to travelers carrying alcohol or accompanied by dogs. Under the new regulations a first offense would result in a 30-day cab license suspension and a second in a two-year taxi license revocation.

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