The number of Muslims in Canarias doubles since the last census

07 July 2013 The number of Muslims in the Canary Islands has doubled in the last five years. If in 2008 there were 30,000 people in the archipelago that professed the religion of Islam, in 2013 the figure has risen up to 66,969 Muslims, representing an increase of  55,2%. But this boom is striking in

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Biggest Mosque in Netherlands Opens

December 17 2010 The Essalam Mosque in Rotterdam was opened by the city’s mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb and city councilor Hamit Karakus on December 17. It is the largest mosque in the country, and opens after seven years of construction and considerable controversy surrounding the extent of “foreign influence” on the project. The building will serve

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Netherlands Identifies Anti-Semitic and Anti-Islam Sentiment

December 16 2010 Following a comment last week from politician Frits Bolkestein that “Dutch Jews had better emigrate to Israel” to avoid threat by Moroccan Muslims, Radio Netherlands Worldwide runs an article questioning whether “the Netherlands is too small for Muslims and Jews”. The article notes a decrease in incidents against Jews and Jewish institutions

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Orthodox Muslims in Netherlands ‘Not Radical’

September 24 2010 Recent research by the University of Amsterdam suggests that some 12% if Dutch Moroccan Muslims consider themselves orthodox. The figure for Dutch Turkish Muslims is one in 20. According to these figures, the country is home to roughly 36 000 orthodox Muslims. Researcher Jean Tillie, while calling the results “bad news for

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