New Dutch think-tank initiated to analyze integration in the Netherlands

In the coming years a new Dutch think-tank called Knowledge Platform Integration & Society (Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving) will develop a new program pertaining to integration issues in the Netherlands. It will stimulate and facilitate current debates and present concrete solutions for inquiries by governments, business world, and societal organizations. The Dutch Ministry of Social

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We’re all in this together: How Leicester became a model of multiculturalism (even if that was never the plan…)

You couldn’t ask for a better symbol of the present, paradoxical state of multicultural Britain than Jawaahir Daahir. She is a vigorous example of female empowerment: a Somali refugee in the Hague, she learnt Dutch and studied for seven years to become a social worker there, while bringing up her six children. She is also

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Belgium’s Syrian problem

Le Monde 11.05.2013 A recent article published by the French daily, Le Monde, interviewed the families of four Belgian Muslims who have left Europe to join the Syrian revolutionaries in their fight to overthrow the current Syrian regime under Dictator Bashir Al-Assad.  The article is released in the wake of a nationwide soul searching in

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Integration through Sports – A young multicultural German team

June 8   “Multi-culti” is a vital aspect of the German national team, which is going to compete with 15 other nations for the 2012European football championship in Poland and Ukraine. The selection of seven players with a “migration background” by Head coach Joachim Löw is a living example for successful integration.   In earlier

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The Union of Islamic Communities in Spain presents the video documentary “Together we build the future.”

17 May 2012 Spain forms a multicultural map with different lifestyles, ideologies, and beliefs. In this context of diversity, the Muslim community has an increasingly important opinion. “Together we build the future” is the documentary that gives voice to some of these people. The video, made by Imal Producciones y Aire Comunicación, in collaboration with

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