Dutch MPs Call to Ban Imam for Stance on Child Marriage

6 December 2011 Dutch parliamentarians are calling for a ban on an imam who supports a young marriage age for girls. Mohamed al- Maghraoui , who is due to attend a conference later this month in the Hague, published a fatwa in Morocco (2008) accepting nine as a marriageable age for girls. Members from the

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Project Surveys Dutch Women About Headscarves

18 November 2011 A large scale project in the Netherlands, entitled Hoofdboek, aims to provide an overview of the lives of Dutch Muslim women wearing the headscarves. The project will involve a book, survey, traveling exhibition and social media platform. The National Headscarf Survey component of the project has been conducted by Motivaction and interviewed

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Ramadan Celebrations Changing in Netherlands

August 7 2010 Trouw reports that the way Muslims in the Netherlands celebrate Ramadan is changing, according to social scientists at the University of Amsterdam and the VU University in Amsterdam. Rituals which were previously internal to the community have come to adapt to the Dutch environment and engage the non-Muslim Dutch.This shift, according to

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Dutch officials visit Dearborn, Michigan to learn about improving Muslim relations

Dutch officials visited the Dearborn area this week to discern why Muslims are more accepted in the United States than in the Netherlands. Dutch Cabinet Minister Francis Timmermans and an entourage of officials met with 35 local Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders at the Islamic Center of America. We are good at allowing people to

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