Background: How Are We Educating Our Young?

Due to the lack of adequate channels of Islamic education, from mosque-centered activities to websites run by mainstream, non-fundamentalist Muslims, second- and third-generation Muslim youth in Germany are increasingly losing touch with their origins. Small local initiatives set up to fill this gap are gradually cohering into wider, national institutions like the Lifemakers. In a

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Analysis: Muslim Youth In Us Oppose Terror

Niko Kyriakou WASHINGTON — Muslim youth groups in the United States are addressing suspicions that the London bombers were both young and “homegrown” by ramping up anti-terrorism initiatives. After the second attack hit London on July 21, the Muslim Public Affairs Council and the Islamic Society of North America issued a statement in which young

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Whitehall And Muslim Youth: Secret Whitehall plan to win over Muslim youth

Islamic leaders sceptical about scheme to discourage support for al-Qaida by vetting radical imams and assisting moderates By Hugh Muir Secret government plans designed to win the “hearts and minds” of young Muslims and dissuade the vulnerable from resorting to terrorism were strongly criticised by community organisations yesterday. Tony Blair has assembled a group of

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Disaffection Among British Muslim Youth

There is a political debate within Britain’s Muslim youth – and it is getting louder in the wake of continued scrutiny of their communities and faith. It is taking many forms and the outcome is uncertain. What is clear is that it is not just about how their world changed following the September 11 attacks

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