German neo-Nazis stage mosque protest

Members of a German neo-Nazi party demonstrated Saturday in Frankfurt against the construction of a mosque in an area which already has two Islamic shrines. About 200 people marched shouting “Stop the Islamisation of Germany,” said Joerg Krebs, a spokesman for the local branch of the NPD, a neo-Nazi party.

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Protests Against Berlin Mosque Continue

BERLIN – About 500 people marched in protest against the planned construction of a mosque in Berlin-Pankow for the Ahmadiyya Muslims. The far-right NPD party took part in the organisation of the march, which was closely monitored by the police and passed without reported incident.

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31,800 Islamist Radicals In Germany: Schily

BERLIN – The number of mainly Turkish Islamist extremists based in Germany increased slightly last year, Interior Minister Otto Schily said on Tuesday at a news conference releasing the 2004 report by the country’s domestic security agency. There were 31,800 Islamist radicals resident in Germany at the end of 2004, up from 30,950 in 2003,

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