Ray Kelly: Things Falling Apart

How did Kelly’s policies manage to alienate the City Council, groups of Muslim-Americans and African-Americans, the New York Times, the FBI and even the Obama administration? For the past 11 years, Kelly has been described as the most powerful and respected police commissioner in the history of New York City, whose anti-terrorism and crime-fighting policies

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Muslims targeted in U.S. terrorism cases, report says

U.S. government tactics in pursuing domestic terrorism cases target and entrap Muslim community members and fail to enhance public safety, according to a report released Wednesday by a human rights center at New York University’s law school. The government’s use of surveillance, paid informants and invented terrorism plots prompts human rights concerns, according to the

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Americans on Hold

New York University (NYU) School of Law’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) today released a new report on causes and impacts of the US Naturalization process. According to the report, the US government is illegally delaying the naturalization applications of thousands of immigrants by profiling individuals it perceives to be Muslim and

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