Interior Minister ignites debate on Islamic public holiday in Germany

Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, member of Angela Merkel’s CDU party, has sparked controversy by asserting that local authorities might be allowed to introduce a public holiday to commemorate an Islamic religious occasion. A regional Muslim holiday? De Maizière did not suggest a day off work at the national level but rather a regional

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More than 100 Canadians named on Al-Qaeda-affiliated website

December 20, 2010 More than 100 Canadian-Arab Christians are listed on an Al Qaeda-affiliated website, apparently targeted because of their alleged role in attempting to convert Muslims. Some of those named say concerned Canadian intelligence officials have contacted them. The Shumukh-al-Islam website, often considered to be Al Qaeda’s mouth piece, listed pictures, addresses and cellphone

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Britons are suspicious towards Muslims, study finds

The annual British Social Attitudes Survey has revealed a deep suspicion of British people towards their Muslim fellow citizens. A majority claims that multiculturalism has failed, with 52 percent claiming that Britain is deeply divided along religious lines and 45 percent saying that religious diversity has had a negative impact. Only a quarter feels positive

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Muslims in European peace drive

A groundbreaking conference for young Muslims from across Europe is taking place in Switzerland. Delegates from seven countries have been brought together by the organisation Initiatives of Change, which has a long history of promoting peace on the continent. In the late 1940s, it brokered meetings between those who had been on opposite sides in

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