Jewish advocacy group says its members should face same criminal charges as Muslim students involved in UC Irvine protest

A Jewish advocacy group says its members should also face criminal charges in light of Orange County prosecutors’ decision last week to charge 11 Muslim student protesters with conspiracy to disrupt the Israeli ambassador to the United States’ speech at UC Irvine last year. When 11 students affiliated with the Muslim Student Union at UC

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Charges filed against Muslim students in California who disrupted Israeli ambassador’s speech

A group of Muslim students accused of disrupting a speech by Israeli ambassador Michael Oren at the University of California, Irvine, were charged Friday with misdemeanor conspiracy counts, ending speculation about what would come from their actions nearly a year ago. The 11 students each face one count of misdemeanor conspiracy to disturb a meeting

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Southern California Muslims angry at informants in mosques

A week after it was revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sent informants to infiltrate Orange County mosques, Muslims in southern California are expressing anger and distrust over the use of deceit in their spiritual life. Despite the reaction, former FBI agents and federal prosecutors say spying on mosques is still one of

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U.S. Muslims and Mormons share deepening ties

In a somewhat surprising relationship, the Lost Angeles Times reports on the befriending of Mormons and Muslim in the United States. While the two religions have very little theology in common, both have some shared values and have felt a feeling of isolation from mainstream America. The Mormon Church has become the largest contributor to

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Muslims Sue, Alleging Discrimination

Families in Anaheim apartments say they are victims of religious and housing bias. Manager calls it just a landlord-tenant dispute. By David Reyes, Times Staff Writer Seven Muslim families filed a lawsuit Friday alleging religious and housing discrimination at an Anaheim apartment complex. The suit alleges that the owner and the manager of Chaumont Villas

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