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Germany’s Anti-Muslim Sentiment: Key Insights from the Report of the Anti-Muslim Hostility Group

On 30th June 2023, a 400 paged report titled as Anti- Muslim Hostility- A German Balance Sheet 2023 ( Muslimfeindlichkeit – Eine deutsche Bilanz 2023) [fn]https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/downloads/EN/publikationen/2023/BMI22030.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1[/fn] was produced by the Independent Group of Experts on Anti-Muslim Hostility UEM (Unabhängigen Expertenkreis Muslimfeindlichkeit) under the auspices of Germany’s Interior Ministry. The twelve-member[fn] The twelve members of the

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The case of Saudi teen refugee Rahaf Al-Qunun who finds asylum in Canada after international twitter campaign seen as another example of ‘saving the Muslim woman’ trope

At a time in which there is the global migrant crisis has rendered refugees ‘faceless strangers’, the case of Rahaf Al Qunun captured worldwide attention, resulting in an international twitter campaign to #SafeRahaf. Undoubtedly, the high-profile nature of the case ensured swift acceptance into Canada, where she was greeted at the airport by Canada’s minister

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‘The Silence of the Liberals’ criticises the British left-wing for damaging the voices of progressive Muslims, but this criticism lacks a nuance

Nick Cohen discusses how the British left-wing fail to support, and sometimes undermine, liberal progressive Muslims who are fighting inequalities endorsed by culture and religion in their community. But his argument fails to appreciate the nuances of the current debates surrounding British Muslim communities.

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Letter to Natacha Polony: the “Muslim youth” of her fantasies doesn’t exist

On July 28, 2014, journalist Natacha Polony wrote a letter in the Figaro addressed to a “young Muslim compatriot.” The letter was “vague and abstract, and feeds without doubt a traditional fantasy, that of a homogenous and reified Muslim community, stuck between ‘the balance of rights and responsibilities for the old country.”” The article’s writers-Nadia

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Misery memoirs: why is it different for Muslim women?

Samira Ahmed writes in this post why women writing about suffering in Islamic states are slated for supporting a patronising attitude towards those societies. The success of harrowing true stories of abuse and poverty led to a special label for books such as Dave Pelzer’s A Child Called It or Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes. But

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