Terror suspect arrested in Pamplona

A man suspected of participation in an international organization which funded terror cells in Algeria has been arrested in Pamplona. The suspect arrested in Spain was wanted by Italy for forgery of identity documents, and he is now being held on remand ahead of the extradition process to remove him to Italy. The Interior Ministry

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Eight Algerians arrested on terrorism charges

Eight Algerians were arrested on charges related to terrorism, and are believed to have ties to a cell spreading propaganda, recruiting volunteers, and engages in the lending of economic and logistical support for groups forming part of the _Islamic Maghreb’ – a North African branch of al-Qaeda. Police seized 7,000 Euro in cash, receipts of

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Immigrant associations in Spain organize protests against the Partido Popular plans for a Contract of Integration

Approximately one hundred immigrant associations across Spain announced that they would be marching in a dozen cities at 7pm on February 23rd, against the Partido Popular’s proposed policy of making immigrants sign a _Contract of Integration’ in Spain. The immigrant groups are also organizing a series of cultural events to coincide with the protest in

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