European Islam: Challenges for Society and Public Policy

Works on Islam in Europe often read like a juxtaposition of national case studies covering the history and perhaps the sociology of immigrant groups in the countries considered. Although the sociology of Islam is well-developed in certain European countries such as France, Germany and the UK, it is only in its infancy as a discipline

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Space for Islam? Urban policy, resources, and organizations

Published in Dutch only: “Ruimte voor de islam? Stedelijk beleid, voorzieningen, organisaties” In deze minutieuze studie legt Marcel Maussen de gecompliceerde verhoudingen in de samenleving met `de’ islam bloot. Hij doet dit door de toon van het publieke en politieke debat, het gevoerde beleid en de relaties tussen islamitische groeperingen en instellingen en de gemeentelijke

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American Muslims Want “Role In Politics”

Even the most religiously traditional Muslims believe they should participate in American politics, according to a newly released study of one of the largest Muslim communities in the nation. The survey of Detroit-area Muslims is the latest to show that the isolationism that once pervaded the immigrant Muslim community is dissipating. Muslims ranked protecting their

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