Daech ‘soldier’ Emilie König arrested in Syria, seeks repatriation

Emilie König, a 33 year old Breton known as “the most wanted woman in France,” had been the target of American and international security forces for several years. She has been arrested in Syria by Kurdish forces and is currently being held at a refugee camp. König was the first women to be added to

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Liège searches for burial places for Muslims

25.1.2013 Two cemetries in Liège contain burial grounds reserved for its Muslim residents. One of them has since years surpassed its level of accomodation of Muslim dead and the other is about to reach its saturation level within a year or two. In order to find space, the authorities have analysed the soil of the

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Most deceased Muslims are repatriated to their home countries

October 25th, 2010 Representatives of the Muslim community in Lorca ask the town council to lend a place in the public cemetery for the burial of Muslims. As there is no Muslim cemetery in the city, the deceased are transported to the close-by region of Valencia or repatriated to their home countries to be buried.

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A jihadist cell discovered at the Universtiy of Perugia: Two Moroccan students expelled

Roberto Maroni, the Italian interior minister, has ordered the immediate repatriation for security reasons of two Moroccan students at the University of Perugia. According to the investigations, the two foreigners were declared highly dangerous since they were ready to commit acts of terrorism in the country. Although the students were not in contact with the

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The Muslim communities of Santiago claiming an Islamic cemetery

The Islamic community in the city of Santiago de Compostela is composed of approximately 2,000 people, but currently the city doesn’t have a place for Islamic burial rituals. The cost of a funeral in Spain is about 2,500 Euros, a cheaper price compared with the cost of the repatriation of a body (estimated between 6,000

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