Switzerland Referendum: The Importance of the Burqa Ban for right-wing groups.

On the 7th of March 2021, Switzerland – with a narrow majority of 51%[1] – voted in favour of approving a nationwide ban on full-face coverings. This sees Switzerland join the growing number of European countries to vote in favour of such initiatives, with France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, and Bulgaria each having put in place

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Right-Wing Publications Pick Up on Pew Research Center’s Findings that Europe’s Muslim Population is set to Grow

Findings from the Pew Research Center that show Europe’s Muslim population as set to grow have been quoted by right-wing news organisations while promoting their agendas.

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Extreme right in France mobilizes around Swiss minaret ban

These two articles explain how the National Front has mobilized itself around the minaret ban in Switzerland to “reopen” questions of identity and immigration in France.

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Right-wing anti-Islamic protest in Birmingham

It was supposed to be a “peaceful” protest by a group opposed to Islamic law and what it perceives as radical Islam. Or at least that is how the right-wing English Defence League (EDL) would have liked Saturday’s demonstration to be received. But many had their doubts. Chief among them, the West Midlands Police, which

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