First mosque opens in Outer Hebrides despite opposition from the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)

The first mosque in the Outer Hebrides opened on the 11th May, marking the first time the islands’ small Muslim community has had a dedicated place to gather and pray. The mosque was opposed by the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), which views Islam as a threat to religious and civil liberties.

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Scottish private schoolgirl Aqsa Mahmood is latest UK youth to join ISIS

Just weeks before Scotland’s independence referendum, the country joins the rest of the UK with the growing crisis of disenfranchised, and subsequently radicalized, Muslim youth. After disappearing from her Glasgow home in November 2013, 20 year-old schoolgirl Aqsa Mahmood, now known as “Umm Layth,” resurfaced in Syria apparently married to an ISIS fighter and living

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Female genital mutilation ‘rising in soft-touch Scotland’

November 15, 2013   A BBC investigation has revealed concerns that young girls are being brought to Scotland to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) because the country is seen as a “soft touch”. Agencies claim that families from England and Europe have travelled to Scotland to have their daughters cut. They also said girls living

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Woolwich attack: Scotland Yard monitoring radical cleric Anjem Choudary’s proclamations

Scotland Yard is closely watching radical cleric Anjem Choudary to see if his proclamations break the law, one of the force’s most senior officers told MPs today. The former spokesman for the now-banned Islamist group Islam4UK, who admitted knowing one of the men charged with the soldier’s murder, is also understood to be receiving police

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