Muslim inmates living in fear for their safety at high-security prison

Muslim prisoners, including some convicted terrorists, inside one of Britain’s biggest high security prisons feel so unsafe that they have sought sanctuary in the jail’s segregation unit for their own protection, the chief inspector of prisons discloses today. Anne Owers says that there have been serious incidents of “prisoner-on-prisoner” violence inside Frankland prison, near Durham,

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Frankland jail: Muslim inmates living in fear for their safety at high-security prison

Muslim prisoners, including some convicted terrorists, inside one of Britain’s biggest high security prisons feel so unsafe that they have sought sanctuary in the jail’s segregation unit for their own protection, the chief inspector of prisons discloses today. Anne Owers says that there have been serious incidents of “prisoner-on-prisoner” violence inside Frankland prison, near Durham,

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Catalan education centre plan for immigrants fuels controversy

The Ombudsman Office warned that plans to set up education centers for immigrant children in Catalonia, would risk creating ghettos. “It would be terrible [for ghettos to be created] during an important formative period such as attending school,” said Ombudswoman Mar_a Luisa Cava de Llano. “Under no circumstances do I want this to turn into

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