Muslims Students angry over the closure of the prayer room at City University

22 February 2013 City University has recently announced its decision to shut down the Muslim prayer room at the campus. The decision followed a statement from the university saying it needed to be sure of the “appropriateness” of what was being discussed in sermons as authorized university events. It said it also needed to be

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Three Muslims convicted for bomb plot

British born Muslims Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, were convicted last week for plotting to launch bomb attacks across Britain.   Inspired by the online sermons of Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed last year by a US drone attack, the trio planned a huge series of explosions at crowded shopping

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Former U.S. solider sues NYPD over Muslim surveillance

At 26, Syed Farhaj Hassan was a devout Muslim, and a man who took a lot of pride in being one of the relatively few Muslim Americans to join the military and then go to war in Iraq. Hassan signed on recently to be the lead plaintiff in the first lawsuit to challenge any portion

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Religious Pluralism in Swiss Prisons

A recent study by the Swiss National Sciences Foundation has found that religious pluralism in Swiss prisons does not lead to the same kind of conflicts that occur in French and British prisons. Catholic and Protestant prison chaplains have long been integrated into the Swiss institutional framework; however, given that the number of Muslim prisoners

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Theologians sent to the region of Veneto to ‘moderate’ Imams

August 11, 2010 The vice president of the regional committee for immigration and the leader of Moroccan Communities of Treviso have been informed by the Consul of Morocco in Verona; of an initiative undertaken by the Moroccan government to send two theologians to the regions Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. The two envoys will travel

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