Racism, Islamophobia on the rise in Britain

Despite anti-racism legislation, Britain witnessed a 28 per cent increase in racially motivated crime in five years, according to figures by the Ministry of Justice. Between 2006 and 2007, there were 61,000 complaints. The figures are based on cases reported by police in England and Wales. Islamophobia -fuelled by the 9/11 attacks and 7/7 train

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British MP: UK Muslims feel like ‘the Jews of Europe’

Addressing the issue of anti-Islamic prejudice in the UK, a British government minister has said that the growing culture of hostility has led many Muslims to say they feel targeted like “the Jews of Europe.” Labor MP Shahid Malik, Britain’s first Muslim government minister, made the statement in an interview with to be broadcast on

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Muslim MP held at US airport

Britain’s first Muslim minister Shahid Malik was stopped and searched by airport security officials in the United States yesterday, it has emerged. Mr Malik, appointed as minister for international development by Gordon Brown earlier this year, was prevented from boarding a UK-bound flight for 40 minutes at Washington’s Dulles airport on Sunday.

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