Grand Mosque of Paris pulls out of Foundation for Islam in France

The Grand Mosque of Paris will pull out of a new, state-sponsored Muslim foundation, criticizing “interference” in how Islam is exercised, at a time of simmering tensions surrounding France’s second-largest faith, its spokesman said. The mosque, which represents some 250 Muslim associations, called in a statement for other Muslim groups to follow suit and “reject

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Dalil Boubakeur Placed under Police Protection in France

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 France’s interior minister says the country has reinforced vigilance against terrorist threats, and the moderate rector of the main Paris mosque has been given armed guards. The Grand Mosque of Paris says its rector, Dalil Boubakeur, has been given three armed guards because of a new threat. Mosque spokesman

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Dalil Boubakeur Placed under Police Protection in France

News Agencies – September 20, 2010 France’s interior minister says the country has reinforced vigilance against terrorist threats, and the moderate rector of the main Paris mosque has been given armed guards. The Grand Mosque of Paris says its rector, Dalil Boubakeur, has been given three armed guards because of a new threat. Mosque spokesman

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