Spain offers to change the law to prevent the full adoptions of Islamic minors

28 March 2013 The Spanish Government is prepared to amend the law of adoption to assure that the Guardianship of Alawites minors granted to Spanish families do not become full adoptions under Spanish law. This guardianship system – typical of Islamic countries – involves a commitment to take charge of the protection, education and maintenance

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United Nations ask to stop the extradition process to Morocco of Ali Aarras

December 2, 2010 The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has asked Spain to stop the extradition process to Morocco of Ali Aarras. The Moroccan authorities consider Aarras member of the Movement of the Mujahideen in the Maghreb related to the Casablanca bombings of May 16, 2003 and the extradition was agreed by the

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The Spanish Government is promoting the reform of the Islamic Commission of Spain

The newspaper El País published an article this week about the authorization of the reform of the Islamic Commission of Spain (Comisión Islámica de España).  Last week the Spanish government announced it would promote reform in order to achieve an official and representative Muslim partner for the Spanish Administration.

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One member of Tabligh obtain the citizenship in spite of the opposition from CNI

The Spanish High Court has granted citizenship by residence to a Muslim who belongs to the Tabligh movement. In 2006 the Spanish Government had refused his petition of citizenship as a result of a negative report from the CNI (Spanish Center of Intelligence). This governmental agency defines the Tabligh Islamic movement as intransigent with the

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The President of the ICC asks the Government to regulate the election and the payment of the Imams

Amparo S_nchez, the President of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Valencia has asked the Spanish Government to study in a regular basis the election and economical sustainability of the Imams of the Mosques with the objective of securing that these people have at least received an Islamic Theological education. According to the first female president

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