Spain ready to aid US in strengthening ties with Muslim nations

Spain announced last Tuesday that it was ready to help the United States in reaching out to Muslim countries that President Barack Obama announced in his speech to the Turkish parliament. “The United States knows that Spain has the ability, influence, understanding and experience (in the Muslim countries) and, therefore, we’re going to work in

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Spanish minister under fire for criticizing Islamic headscarf

Bibiano Aido, Spain’s Equality Minister, has recently angered Muslim by criticizing the hijab/headscarf, alledging that the garment undermines the rights of women. Not all cultural practices must be respected she Aido, as she expressed her opposition to practices which violate human rights and promote inequality. In response to Aido, Spanish Muslim women said that women

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A New Place for the Casa Arabe

The Casa Arabe, the Spanish institution dedicated to the cultural Spanish Muslim Affairs, will have a new place in the historical building of the Escuelas Aguirre, in Madrid.

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Detroit Convention

Mansur Escudero, president of the Islamic Council has participated last month in the Annual Convention of the Nation of Islam in Detroit having been this the first time that a Spanish Muslim was participating in such event. The Islamic leader gave a public speech that was specially heard by the Latin Muslim community.; he also

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Muslims ask Pope to Allow Them to Pray in Cathedral

A Spanish Muslim group has asked Pope Benedict XVI for permission to worship alongside Christians in the Great Mosque of Cordoba, turned into a cathedral in the 13th century. They sent a letter on Christmas to the Pope’s Spanish representative, asking that the building be opened for prayer by all religions as a model of

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