Brexit board member resigns over Islamophobic tweets

A board member of the Leave campaign resigned Monday over a series of anti- Muslim tweets, just two days before a referendum decides whether the U.K. should stay in the EU, according to British media reports. The Guardian noted that Arabella Arkwright, who is also a businesswoman, reposted on her Twitter feed an image of

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Occupation of mosque shocks Dutch Muslim community

The Council of Moroccan Mosques of the Netherlands (RMMN) has responded with shock to the occupation of a mosque in construction in the Dutch city of Leiden. Five members of the Dutch extreme right group “Identitair Verzet” (English: Identitary Resistance, named after the French group “Géneration Identitaire”) occupied the mosque in the morning of 7

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A mosque in Granada with racist graffiti on the wall

13 June 2013 “Stop Islam” and “Stop the Invasion” were the sentences painted at the Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque in Armilla, Granada. The fact has been described as serious by the Islamic Commission of Spain. Mounir Benjelloun, President of the Islamic Commission of Spain has issued a statement protesting against this event and calling

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Czech Republic: Pig’s head placed on fence outside Prague mosque

Czech authorities are trying to find out who placed a pig’s head on the fence outside a mosque near Prague. Spokesperson Jan Milulovsky says that someone also wrote “Stop Islam” on the fence, partially damaging the wall and entrance to the mosque in the Kyje neighborhood on the outskirts of Prague. Photographs of the incident

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Anti-Islam rally canceled

Police in Germany canceled an anti-Islam rally scheduled for Saturday amid safety concerns after leftists clashed with police, officials said. The rally in Cologne was called to protest a decision by local authorities to allow the construction of a mosque with a high dome and minarets, Deustche Welle reported. Rally organizers had invited nationalist groups

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