Islamists sought “maximum carnage” in Barcelona attack

An Islamist terror cell dismantled in January in Barcelona has chosen the city’s subway system as a target for a series of suicide bombings in order to maximize the carnage and loss of life, according to the testimony from a protected witness. If we attack the metro (subway), the emergency services cannot get there one

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What Works Against Forced Marriages?

BERLIN – As part of the Integration Summit, Chancellor Merkel and the Ministry of the Interior invited experts to give testimony on forced marriages to the family committee in the Bundestag. Heiner Bielefeldt, director of the German Institute for Human Rights, was one of many who argued that forced marriage is not a typically Islamic

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Christian-Islamic Meeting in Saarbrucken

Far away from populist debates, the 96th Catholic Day aimed to enrich dialogue between Muslims and Christians. With 26 thousand German and foreign visitors at one meeting, and around a thousand meetings held in Saarbr_cken, the 96th Catholic Day was organised as a living testimony to the friendship between the two religions, and featured lectures,

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