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Breaking Through: Europe’s Muslim Success Stories

By Carla Power When Famile Arslan showed up for her first day of work, the receptionist pointed her toward the broom closet. “‘The cleaning supplies are over there,’” Arslan recalls being told. “I had to say, ‘No, I’m not the cleaner. I’m the lawyer.’” In fairness to the receptionist, Arslan was making history that morning,

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Ex-Muslims Demand Right to Renounce Islamic Faith

Are Ehsan Jami’s methods promoting religious tolerance in the Netherlands? Controversially, 9/11 was chosen as the date to sign the “European Declaration for Tolerance.” It aims to draw attention to what the former Muslims see as the lack of freedom of religion within Islam. Former Muslims from several European countries signed the declaration in the

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How Multiculturalism Can be Saved

The conflict between Western society and Muslim extremism has called into question the reality of multiculturalism in the Netherlands. In a guest article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, writer Ian Buruma, born in the Hague in 1951, sees this as a result of the complacency that Netherlanders have had about the functioning of their multicultural

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