British Muslim man on no-fly list stranded in Canada

The Toronto Star – February 16, 2011 Questions remain after a British man who was flagged for being on the U.S. no-fly terrorist list was suddenly cleared to go home when his story became public. Dawood Hepplewhite, 30, a self-employed auto mechanic in Sheffield, England, identifies himself as a white Muslim. He ran afoul of

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Salon worker in the Greater Toronto Area claims she was fired for her headscarf

The Toronto Star – February 10, 2011 A young Markham, Ontario woman who works as an esthetician claims she was fired for wearing an Islamic headscarf because the salon “promotes hair.” Mehwish Ali, a 22-year-old esthetician was fired a day after she says the co-owner told her the hijab was unacceptable. “I was devastated when

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