Campagne in Switzerland Against the Construction of Mosques

    Policymakers of the Swiss Right recently began a campaign for a referendum to prohibit the construction of minarets on mosques. Des responsables politiques de la droite suisse ont r’cemment lanc’ une campagne pour la tenue d’un r’f’rendum visant ‘ interdire la construction de minarets sur les mosqu’es. According to representatives of the Union d’mocratique du…

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      The Campagne Against Minarets “Puts the Security of the Swiss in Danger”

      The campaign recently launched by representatives of the Swiss right to prohibit the construction of minarets on mosques “puts the security of the Swiss in danger” according to the President and Swiss Minister of Immigrant Affairs, Micheline Calmy-Rey. Politicians of the Union d_mocratique du centre (UDC, right populist) and Union d_mocratique f_d_rale (UDF, Christian right)…

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