On the right, the supporters of the Front National are more tolerant than those of the UMP with regards to the veil

    In an opinion poll of 1,011 people representative of the French population, 44% reported that they favored a prohibition of the Islamic veil in streets and public buildings. 17% were “very favorable” and 27% “rather favorable”. 21% were “very opposed,” and the rest (35%) were “rather opposed.” The question, however, has two parts: whether the…

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      Le député UMP-CNI Rivière d’accord avec Villiers sur l’interdiction du voile

      Le d_put_ UMP-CNI J_r_me Rivi_re, priv_ d’investiture par l’UMP pour les prochaines l_gislatives, s’est f_licit_ lundi de la proposition de Philippe de Villiers d’interdire le voile islamique dans les lieux publics. Les Fran_ais ont des “craintes” sur “la place de l’islam _ l’_cole, dans les administrations, mais aussi dans sa conqu_te de la rue et…

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        France Resists Ethnic Census

        Contrary to certain Anglo-Saxon countries, France has historically refused to count its ethnic minorities, on the principle, engraved in the Constitution, that the Republic only recognises citizens “without distinction of origin, race or religion.” The Europe-wide debate over this rationale began in the 1990s, and the failure of the French model of integration gave new…

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