Condemnation of the “Religious test” used in the 2018 Senate Confirmation Process for federal judicial nominee Brian Buescher may continue into the Democratic Presidential race

The scrutiny of the religious beliefs of a federal court nominee by Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono has led to criticism for violating article six of the US constitution that states that “there shall be no religious test” for any candidate seeking public office”. In follow up questions to Brian Buescher’s confirmation hearing in

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GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert: Guns Are Necessary To Protect Against Sharia Law

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told a conservative radio host this afternoon that he believes Americans must be allowed to own firearms to protect against the growing threat of “sharia law.” Appearing on web-radio show The Voice of Freedom, Gohmert argued that Congress ought to vote down any restrictive new gun regulations because American gun-owners need

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America’s Sharia Hysteria

. . .When [Nevada?s Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron] Angle suggested last week that certain American cities like Dearborn, Michigan and Frankford, Texas, have been taken over by a “militant terrorist situation” wherein Muslims have instituted Sharia law upon its residents, many people were left scratching their heads at what she could possibly have meant. It’s

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