Segregated Seating at University College London Debate Between Islam and Atheism Sparks Controversy

11 March 2013   A debate held on the campus of University College London (UCL) and hosted by the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) between Professor Lawrence Krauss, a leading atheist, and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, a lecturer on Islam, sparked controversy when event organizers instituted a gender-segregated seating policy, though the specifics of this

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Muslim Medical Students Boycott Lectures on Evolution

28.11.2011 An increasing number of Muslim biology and medical students as well as trainee doctors at the University College London (UCL) are boycotting lectures on evolution, claiming they clash with ideas established in the Quran. As the Daily Mail reports, similar to the beliefs expressed by fundamentalist Christians, Muslim opponents to Darwinism maintain that Allah

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UK Universities Asked to Report “Vulnerable” Muslim Students

29.08.2011 As part of the government’s revamped Prevent strategy, British universities have been ordered to inform the police about Muslim students who may be vulnerable to radicalisation due to feelings of depression or isolation. According to the new guidance for countering Islamist radicalism, students reported at being “at risk” will then be monitored and Scotland

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Abdulmutallab’s struggles highlight line between piety and extremism

Before Abdulmutallab traveled to Yemen to train with al-Qaida and wrote off his family, tensions existed with his father over his alleged “immoral, un-Islamic ” choices to become a wealthy banker. This is apparently a common struggle in Kaduna, Nigeria, where Abdulmutallab was raised. He also spent a lot of time unsupervised, a common issue

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Yemen claims Abdulmutallab recruited for al-Qaida while in London

While Britain has confirmed Abdulmutallab had contact with Islamist radicals during his time at University College London, authorities deny he was recruited into al-Qaida from the UK. The Yemeni government claim otherwise.

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