Caricatures : les organisations musulmanes hésitent à lancer des poursuites systématiques

    Les tribunaux ne leur ont jamais donn_ gain de cause mais ces revers n’entament pas ” la confiance ” des organisations musulmanes fran_aises dans la justice de leur pays. Elles l’ont r_p_t_ _ la veille du proc_s contre Charlie Hebdo, mercredi 7 f_vrier, devant la 17e chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris. La Grande Mosqu_e…

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      Caricatures : Muslim Organizations Hesitate to Begin Systematic Legal Suits

      The Grand Mosque of Paris, the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, and the Global Islamic League brought complaint against the weekly magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, after its publication of the Danish caricatures of the prophet Mohammed in February 2006…

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        Islam : questions for the candidates

        Islam : questions for the candidates, by Abdennour Bidar, Philosophy professor at the preparatory school of Sophia-Antipolis. Organization, imams, education key questions for Muslims in France As an intellectual Muslim engaging in reflection on the identity and future of Islam in France, I would like to pose four questions to the candidates in the presidential…

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