Winning Hearts and Minds: Working Together to Defeat Extremism

In a speech by Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly MP at the Muslim Cultural Heritage Center in London, she said: “Britain is a country that draws strength from its diversity. Britain’s proud record of respect compares favorably with any country. Far right extremism has never really got a serious foothold here. This is because, at crucial times in our history, the vast majority have come together to speak out against hate and division. But today, alongside the far right, we face another threat that seeks to undermine our shared values, to divide our communities”
The British Government’s strategy for addressing extremism has the following components: Coalitions Against Extremism Uniting Against a New Challenge A New Approach: A Security Response is Not Enough Four Strands – 1. Promoting shared values. – 2. Supporting strong community and national leadership. – 3. Strengthening the role of faith institutions and leaders. – 4. Supporting local solutions. Partnership

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