Mohammed Moussaoui, the New CFCM President

Mohammed Moussaoui, a 44 year-old former math professor, was the only candidate for the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) elections and won quite expectedly. He replaces the former president, Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grande Mosqu_e de Paris. Moussaoui is the vice-president of the French Muslim Assembly (RMF) and is a proponent of a consensual Islam, respectful of both founding texts and current contexts, adding that the CFCM most become more involved in the education of imams in the French context. He speaks French, Arabic, Berber and English. Moussaoui told Le Figaro that the group does not have a theological mission: We are not creating a new theology for a French Islam. I believe the following principle: that in one’s private life, one can keep their clothing and food customs. But on the collective level, French law must apply for everyone. We respect the law on conspicuous religious signs in schools. But we don’t want this restriction to extend to universities, mayors’ offices, or in the workplace.

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