Europe’s Muslim women’s potential, problems and aspirations

This report presents the key findings of a qualitative study about Europe’s Muslim women, conducted by Dr Sara Silvestri (London’s City University and Cambridge University, United Kingdom), on behalf of the King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium). It aims to obtain a general sense of the extent to which the religion of Islam plays a role in

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Muslim Banking System Gets Europe’s Attention (3:02)

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Islam in German schools

Saphir, a textbook for Islamic religion classes, presents the fundamental issues of Islam in 15 chapters for fifth and sixth grade pupils. Themes include the concept of God, the Prophet Mohammed, and the structure of the Quran, as well as issues such as the rights of children and social responsibility. Editions for grades seven to

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Anti-Muslim sentiments on rise in Europe, two out of five Canadians also feel that way

Negative sentiments against Muslims and Jews are on the rise in old Europe more than anywhere else around the world today, a survey released in September by the Pew Research Center’s Pew Global Attitudes Project has shown. In contrast, negative attitudes towards Christians in Europe are less common than negative ratings of Muslims or Jews,

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