MS MARVEL – New Marvel Superheroine challenging stereotypes of South-Asian Muslim Women

The 8th June 2022 saw the release of a new U.S. TV show “Ms Marvel”, created by British-Pakistani stand-up comedian and screenwriter, Bisha K. Ali. The show follows Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American teenager who transforms into a superhero whilst grappling with familial and religious obligations1. This makes Khan the first Muslim superheroine of the Marvel

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The celebration of Eid during lockdown- What was it like?

British Muslim Zahra discusses how celebrating Eid is different during lockdown, with a family video blog showing preparation and celebration. Zahra touches on preparing food for the celebration day, homemade cards and traditional dress. A key talking point for her surrounds the debate of whether to dress traditionally as if this celebration of Eid was

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Video: DC News Conference with Muslim Leaders Condemning Orlando Killings (CAIR)

CAIR’s condemnation of Orlando shooting. Link to video:

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Muslims in France say emergency powers go too far (video)

February 17, 2016 Depending on who is telling the story, Daoud Muradyan, a blind 21-year-old, is either a potential terrorist or a harmless immigrant who embodies everything that is wrong with France’s broad new antiterrorism powers. Mr. Muradyan came under suspicion after having contact with a radical imam, the French authorities say. They also say

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Europe’s Muslims: Challenges and Misconceptions

Months after the “Charlie Hebdo” attacks, questions remain about Europe’s Islamic communities. How strong is the lure of groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS for Islamic youth in France or the UK? Why do so many Muslims, including those born and raised in affluent European states, feel disconnected from their societies? Georgetown’s Jocylene Cesari and University

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