CAIR commends Florida Jewish group for condemning hate speech

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) commended the Florida office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) concerning the anti-Islam hate of Dutch politicial Geert Wilders, who was recently given a standing ovation at a Florida synagogue. At the end of April, CAIR called on members of the Jewish community to condemn “Nazi-like” statements by Wilders, who

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Islam in the Nordic and Baltic Countries

Although Muslims are now an important presence in Europe, little is known about the Muslim communities that exist in the Nordic and Baltic regions of Europe. This is the first comprehensive and detailed study of the history, context and development of Islamic institutions and Muslim groups in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, and includes chapters

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Iceland: First full Icelandic Muslims marry in the country

For the first time in Iceland, a fully Icelandic Muslim couple was married. The occasion is an important moment for the Muslim community in Iceland, where previously, the country’s very small Muslim population had only seen converts married in the mosque. The country’s first “all-Icelandic” couple married at the Muslim Association Mosque. The had of

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Muslim women allowed to swim in private swimming pool in northern Italy

Muslim women in the northern Italian province of Bergamo will now have private access to a local swimming pool, where they are able to swim freely without traditional clothing and without the company of men. At the Siloe pool, men are not permitted to swim at designated times each week, when women’s-only hours are in

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CAIR asks US Muslim prayer leaders to urge swine flu precautions

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on Islamic Religious Leaders and Imams to use daily and Friday prayers in the nation’s mosques and Islamic centers as a platform for providing information about preventing the spread of swine flu, or the H1N1 virus. CAIR said that imams are in a unique position to offer public

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