Quran Burning Sparks International Outrage and Diplomatic Strain

Since June 2023, multiple acts of desecration of the Quran in Sweden and Denmark have ignited a global furor and raised profound questions about the limits of freedom of expression. This provocative act, marked by Quran burning and demonstrations, has unleashed a wave of condemnations from Muslim-majority nations and triggered a cascade of events with

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The Finns Party elects a chairman with past convictions for statements against Islam

The election of Jussi Halla-aho (currently holding a position as a MEP) as the new chairman of The Finns Party has caused political trouble in Finland and rebellion against the party’s new leadership. The two other government coalition parties, Keskusta and Kokoomus, announced that they do not want to continue cooperation with The Finns Party

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The many faces of violent extremism in Finland

Whereas violent attacks motivated by religious terrorism have over and over again targeted several European countries in the recent years, Finland has factually remained safe and secure. However, in a news article on national security that was published shortly after the most recent attack on civilians in Stockholm, a representative of Finnish Security Intelligence Service

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Sweden : An official report targets the Muslim Brotherhood

The controversy around the Muslim Brotherhood has now reached Sweden. A report on the influence of the network in the country was just published by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, MSB). A ”parallel society” According to the report – based on a study realised in November-December 2016, the Muslim Brotherhood has

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Helsinki Grand Mosque’s rocky road

When it comes to building mosques, Finland is not any different from other European countries in terms of opposition that such projects receive either from the side of the officials or the public. The Helsinki Grand Mosque project has been on-going since 2015 and now once again, debates over funding have put a spanner in

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