Turks in Europe: Culture, Identity, Integration

This volume provides the most comprehensive picture of Turks in Europe and offers cutting edge ideas, analyses and recommendations on a wide range of challenges that modern European societies cannot avoid paying closer attention. Drawing on original research, Turks in Europe brings together sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists and experts in educational and cultural studies to

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Le Figaro finds young Muslims prefer to express themselves on the web

This Le Figaro report suggests that both moderate and radical Muslims in France seek support on the web, that the Imam is only one of many possible guides. While it offers a place for more fundamentalist interpretations like Salafism from Saudi Arabia, the internet is also revolutionizing Muslim thought. As Jocelyne Cesari, a scholar of

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Florida Muslim detained after being acquitted of charges, CAIR seeks release

On Tuesday, April 7, the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold a news conference to call for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release former USF student Youssef Megahed. In April 2007 Megahed, along with Ahmed Mohamed, was arrested for allegedly having explosives in the trunk of his car.

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Abruzzo’s Muslims mobilize to help earthquake victims

The Muslim community in the central Italian region of Abruzzo is mobilizing to help the victims and those injured in the quake by donating blood at local hospitals. “We heard that hospitals needed blood and thus I am coordinating with the Muslims in the area so they can donate it, and I ask all Muslims

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Imam expelled from training course in Paris

Le Figaro daily newspaper reports that for the first time, a student has been expelled from the Catholic Institute for Imam Instruction because of anti-Semitic remarks. Alerted by other students of the problem, the RMF (Rassemblement des musulmans de France or Assembly of French Muslims) asked the imam in question not to return to class.

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