Discrimination case: man deemed “too Muslim” to be a police officer

Police internal documents were recently released from an internal competition for police offers after a complaint of racial discrimination was filed in Yvelines. In September 2007 a corporal of Moroccan-origin, who had served in the police for 8 years, had passed a competition for promotion and went before a 7-person jury. This jury asked the

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Pakistani immigration to Britain is still rising

The population flows between the UK and Pakistan have remained high in the past years. Each year 250,000 Pakistanis come to Britain to visit, work or marry, and some 350,000 British citizens journey in the opposite direction, mainly to visit family. Links are reinforced by ingrained marriage customs: six of ten ethnic Pakistanis in Britain

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Officials consider Islam-related rehabilitation for Canadian Omar Khadr following Guantanamo

With the Guantanamo Bay prison set to close within a year, little has been said in recent US/Canada meetings about the fate of Canadian child solider, Omar Khadr. This Globe and Mail article suggests that, assuming that he is returned to Canada, as opposed to incarceration in the United States, serious thought must be given

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Dutch city rules that Tariq Ramadan is not homophobic

The city of Rotterdam has exonerated Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan in an investigation over alleged misogynistic and homophobic statements he made in tapes aimed at immigrants. The city said that it will still retain Ramadan as an advisor to build bridges between its immigrant communities. Last month, a local newspaper called ‘Gay Krant’ geared towards

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German designer makes edgy urban fashion for young Muslims

It all started with a T-shirt bearing the slogan “I Love My Prophet.” That’s when a designer in Germany discovered a booming market for modern, urban clothes and accessories with a Muslim message. People from many different cultures are likely to agree: slippers are rather uncool. But in Styleislam’s fashion design office, everyone walks around

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