Simon Sorgenfrei

Simon SorgenfreiProject Responsibilities: Scandinavia news and research

Positions:PhD Student
Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religious Studies
University of Gothenburg

Personal Website

Area of Expertise:
Islam, Islamic History
Islamic History
Islam and Muslims in the West
Islam and Muslims in Sweden
Islam and Muslims in Scandinavia
Islamic Literature
Islamic Popular Culture
Sufi History
Sufism in the West

Select Publications:
Ramadan – en svensk tradition (Ramadan – A Swedish Tradition)
Red. Berglund, J &  Sorgenfrei, S. Lund: 2009

Kärleken begär att dessa ord skall fram – Jalaluddin Rumis liv, lära och lyrik (Love demands these words to be spoken – the life, teachings and poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi) Red. Dahlén, A & Sorgenfrei, S. Stockholm: 2008

Professional Bio:

Simon Sorgenfrei is interested in Islam and Sufism in the past and present. His thesis – “American Dervish. Traditions and Trajectories in the Mevlevi Order of America – focuses on Sufism in the USA and especially on the issue of tradition and change in the Mevlevi Order of America (MOA). Doing participant observations and interviews Sorgenfrei is interested in the activities of the MOA as a “lived religion”, focusing on individual narratives and meaning constructions. The study of the development and activities of Mevlevis in the west also allows him to contribute to the discussion on religious identity and categorization.

Simon Sorgenfrei has a background in Literature Studies, Persian Studies, History of Religions and Islamic Studies. He is currently teaching Religious and Islamic Studies at Södertörn University College in Stockholm, Sweden.

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