Mistrust and the Mosque

The poll found considerable distrust of Muslim-Americans and robust
disapproval of the mosque proposal. Asked whether they thought
Muslim-Americans were ³more sympathetic to terrorists² than other citizens,
33 percent said yes, a discouraging figure, roughly consistent with polls
taken since Sept. 11, 2001. Thirty-one percent said they didn¹t know any
Muslims; 39 percent said they knew Muslims but not as close friends.
A full 72 percent agreed that people had every right to build a ³house of
worship² near the site. But only 62 percent acknowledged that right when
³house of worship² was changed to ³mosque and Islamic community center.²
Sixty-seven percent thought the mosque planners should find ³a less
controversial location.² While only 21 percent of respondents confessed to
having ³negative feelings² toward Muslims because of the attack on the World
Trade Center, 59 percent said they knew people who did.

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