Muslim protesters burn poppies in London
12 November 2010
As the clock struck 11:00 and people stood for Armistice Day’s two minutes of silence, Islamic protesters in London burned a model of a poppy, and shouted out messages such as “British soldiers burn in hell.” The poppy is a symbol commemorating fallen British soldiers of the First World war and all wars thereafter.
About 35 protesters, many with their faces masked, gathered near Hyde Park. They set a model of a poppy on fire at the stroke of 11am, and then marched through the area carrying signs and chanting. Messages on the signs included “Hands off Muslim lands,” “Islam will dominate,” “There is no God but Allah,” “Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell” and “British soldiers burn in hell.”
The protesters said they were members of a group called Muslims Against Crusades.
The Muslim Council of Britain said that while the protesters claim to speak for Muslims, many more join fellow Britons in remembering the sacrifice of the armed forces.