Lleida City Council will not provide land to build a mosque

Lleida’s city council, governed by the Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC), has blocked the administrative concession of land where the new mosque had to be built. The new mosque was intended to replace the North Street prayer’s room which has been closed since August. The Local Planning Commission rejected this project because the Islamic Community,

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A new Islamic Council is founded in Basque Country

Twenty four Islamic associations have founded an Islamic Council in the Basque Country on 8th of December. The Council has the aim to represent the Islamic communities and to be a unique interlocutor with the regional government. The Muslim Basque Council is open to all cultural, political and religious associations mainly composed by Muslims and

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Swedish Parliament Debated Violent Extremism

28 Jan 2011 Wednesday January 27 the Swedish riksdag (parliament) held a debate about violent extremism, initiated by the far-right populist Sweden democrats (SD). SD leader Jimmie Åkesson started the debate off with a reference to the Stockholm suicide bombing in December 2010. He argued that the attack wasn’t an isolated event, pointing to the

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Fatwa Council founded in Sweden

24 Jan 2011 A group of about 10-12 imams in Malmö have founded a Swedish Fatwa Council. The council is set up to be able to present Swedish Muslims with more unanimous answers to questions concerning how to practice Islam is Sweden in harmony with Swedish law and culture. Jonas Otterbeck, assistant professor of Islamic

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